Slip & Fall

Slip & Fall Accident?

No one ever wants or plans to slip, trip or fall. Depending on the severity of the slip and fall, injuries can range from minor to detrimental. Whether your injuries are immediately noticeable or take a couple of days to surface, Brightstar Chiropractic can help identify injured areas, perform effective treatments, and alleviate your pain. Slip and fall injuries can cause more than just sprains, strains, breaks and bruising. From slipped discs to misaligned vertebrae, there are many things that can hinder your mobility, cause unnecessary pain and effect your day to day life activities. Call Brightstar Chiropractic today if you have recently slipped and fell. Our main priority is helping you alleviate pain to enjoy your life.

Chiropractic Session — Lutz, FL — Brightstar Chiropractic

We Accept Insurance Claims!

If you are getting treatment for a slip and fall injury due to another’s fault and have filed a claim, no worries! Brightstar Chiropractic works with insurance claims to get the treatment you need and deserve without paying out of pocket. Receive optimal care, effective results and welcoming service with our staff. Give our office a call today for more information about how we can help you towards the road to recovery.

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